WES Quality Policy

The company policy endeavours to ensure satisfaction to its customers and afford them the assurance of world class quality product and customer service. To this end, recognised procedures have been adopted and records maintained and published as an indication that the company is capable of meeting its customers’ most stringent requirements.

The development of employees within the company is seen as a major factor in its continuing aim of providing the resources needed to ensure that the success of the company and that customer satisfaction is maintained at a high level.

To this end the company is committed in full to meeting the requirements of its customers supported by its registered quality management system of:

EN ISO 9001 : 2008

Company procedures outline the organisational and functional responsibilities required to administer a comprehensive and effective quality system. Through these procedures, the company strives to deliver good development, manufacture, training, inspection and quality control practices. The company is committed to meeting these requirements and ensuring continual improvements at all levels of the organisation.

The importance of Quality cannot be over-emphasised and the active participation of personnel throughout the company is paramount in maintaining and advancing the reputation of WES as a world class supplier of quality product.

Andrew Hosking
Managing Director
February 2003