WES Environmental Policy

Welding Electrode Store Limited is committed to the protection of the Environment and to undertaking all its business practices in an environmentally friendly and responsible way.

Protection of the environment
We will minimise, and where possible eliminate the release of any pollutant that may cause environmental damage to the air, water, earth or its inhabitants. We will protect and wherever possible enhance habitats and biodiversity and minimise our contribution to global problems.

Sustainable use of natural resources
We will wherever possible make use of renewable natural resources and will conserve non-renewable resources through efficient use and careful planning.

Minimisation and safe disposal of waste
We will wherever possible minimise the creation of waste and recycle material. Otherwise, all waste will be disposed of in a safe and responsible way.

Wise use of all resources
We will endeavour to use environmentally safe and sustainable energy sources and by monitoring our energy and water usage we will identify areas for improvement and adopt methods to improve efficiency.

Risk reduction
We will minimise the risk of environmental damage by employing safe technologies and operating procedures. All new activities and practices will be assessed for their effects on the environment and to ensure that air, water, land and noise pollution is minimised.

Delivery and purchase of local services
We will source and promote local goods and services wherever possible. We will endeavour to deliver services that minimise adverse environmental impact. We will favour suppliers and sub-contractors who demonstrate a commitment to improving their environmental standards. We will include appropriate environmental requirements as appropriate in all sub-contracts and service agreements.

We will ensure that vehicles operated or managed by Welding Electrode Store Limited are run efficiently in order to minimise the use of fuels and the production of pollutants. We will discourage non-essential mileage by staff by careful planning of journeys.

Environmental Responsibilities
We will commit the management and financial resources as appropriate to implement the above policies. We will also monitor their progress to encourage continual improvement.

Andrew Hosking
Managing Director
January 2006